Warner Chappell Production Music

1030 16th Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone: 1.888.615.8729
Fax: 1.615.242.2455
915 West 100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Phone: 1.800.554.6462
Fax: 1.801.531.0346

Company Profile

For over 35 years, Warner Chappell Production Music’s news teams, Non-Stop News and 615 Music News, have been writing, conducting, performing and producing many of the most highly successful and memorable news music packages on the market. With clients such as ABC News, NBC’s Today Show, ESPN and hundreds of local news broadcasters, our news music is currently heard by millions of people every day.

615 Music Gari Music Non-Stop Music

  1. Innovation

 615 Music

  1. 5 Star Network
  2. A New Wish
  3. Action News
  4. Alive V.1
  5. Alive V.2
  6. Aurora
  7. Awaaz
  8. Battery
  9. Battery V.4
  10. CCTV
  11. Chicago's Very Own V.1
  12. Chicago's Very Own V.2
  13. CNN-IBN
  14. Connect
  15. Coverage
  16. Fahren-Hite
  17. Firepower News
  18. First Report
  19. Flashpoint
  20. Full Contact
  21. The Hammer
  22. Heartland V.1
  23. Heartland V.2
  24. High Velocity V.1
  25. High Velocity V.2
  26. High Velocity V.3
  27. IBN 7
  28. Icon V.1
  29. Icon V.2
  30. Icon V.3
  31. Ignitor
  32. Impact V.1
  33. Impact V.2
  34. Impact V.3
  35. Impact V.4
  36. Impact V.5
  37. Impact V.6
  38. Impact V.7
  39. In-Sink V.1
  40. In-Sink V.2
  41. In-Sink V.3
  42. In-Sink V.4
  43. In-Sink V.5
  44. In-Sink V.6
  45. Interceptor
  46. Jim and Howard's News Package
  47. Magnum V.1
  48. Magnum V.2
  49. Magnum V.3
  50. Moving Forward
  51. News Attitude
  52. News Authority
  53. News One V.1
  54. News One V.2
  55. News One Mini
  56. Newsforce
  57. Newstime
  58. Newswatch 24
  59. Newswire V.1
  60. Newswire V.2
  61. Power News V.1
  62. Power News V.2
  63. Power News V.3
  64. Propulsion V.1
  65. Propulsion V.2
  66. Propulsion V.3
  67. Rainmaker
  68. Right Here, Right Now V.1
  69. Right Here, Right Now V.2
  70. Seize the Day V.1
  71. Seize the Day V.1 (Fox Version)
  72. Seize the Day V.2
  73. STV
  74. Total Coverage
  75. Tower V.1
  76. Tower V.2
  77. Tower V.3
  78. Tower V.4
  79. Tower V.5
  80. Tower V.6
  81. Tower V.7
  82. Truth V.1
  83. Truth V.2
  84. The Unexpected
  85. USA News
  86. The Viking
  87. The Viper V.1
  88. The Viper V.2
  89. The Viper 2008
  90. Working For You

 Gari Music

  1. ABC Eyewitness News
  2. Advantage V.1
  3. Advantage V.2
  4. CBS Enforcer V.1
  5. CBS Enforcer V.2
  6. CBS Enforcer V.3
  7. CBS Enforcer V.4
  8. Countdown
  9. Daily News
  10. The Edge
  11. Empire
  12. First News
  13. Image News
  14. Innovation
  15. The NBC Collection
  16. News Source
  17. The One and Only
  18. The Paramount
  19. Revolution
  20. Target News
  21. This is Home V.1
  22. This is Home V.2
  23. This is Home V.3
  24. This Is Your News
  25. The X Package

 Non-Stop Music

  1. Absolute News
  2. Alchemy News
  3. Broadcast News
  4. First News
  5. Frequency News
  6. Good Day News
  7. Millennium News
  8. Momentum News
  9. News Force
  10. Platinum News
  11. Power News
  12. Premiere News
  13. Primetime News
  14. Reactor News
  15. Total News
  16. Ultra News

Contains ABC logo ABC version available
Contains CBS logo CBS version available
Contains Fox logo Fox version available
Contains NBC chimes NBC version available

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