Donate News Music

Thank you for your interest in contributing
material to help expand News Music Now!


  • We can only accept unedited, studio versions of news music.
    Please don't send material from off-air or from another website.
  • If your news music is already digitized, please send exactly as is.
  • If your news music is on physical media and you want to send a digital copy, please digitize to 320kbps MP3 (instructions here).
  • If your news music is on physical media and you want to send the physical copy, please contact us to discuss details.
  • If you have any questions as to whether your material is something we can use, please contact us to discuss details.
Please send your submissions and related questions to jeremy[at]newsmusicnow [dot] com. We suggest using free services such as
Google Drive, WeTransfer, or Dropbox to send us material.