Material Contributions

Your contributions to News Music Now are vital to keeping our library updated with current content. We thank you for your interest in helping News Music Now expand.

Contributing News Music

  • We can only accept unedited, studio versions of news music. Please don't send material from off-air or from another website.
  • If your news music is already digitized, lease send exactly as is.
  • If your news music is on physical media and you want to send a digital copy, please digitize to 320kbps MP3.
  • If your news music is on physical media and you want to send the physical copy, please contact us to discuss details.
  • If you have any questions as to whether your material is something we can use, please contact us to discuss details.

Contributing Cut Sheets

  • We can only accept unedited, published cut sheets. This can be cut sheets or the liner notes. Please don't send any material that you've created on your own.
  • If the document is already digitized, please send exactly as is.
  • If the document is on paper and you want to send a digital copy, please scan as 300dpi PDF or TIF.
  • If the document is on paper and you want to send the physical copy, please contact us to discuss details.
  • If you have any questions as to whether your material is something we can use, please contact us to discuss details.

How should I send my files?

Please send your submissions and related questions to jeremy [at] newsmusicnow [dot] com. We suggest using free services such as Google Drive, WeTransfer, or Dropbox to send us material.

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