About News Music Now

News Music Now is the premier resource for news music research. We are one of the few websites to provide reference material of news music from all of the music publishers (including those that are no longer in business). We consider ourselves to be as much "news music historians" as we are a resource for broadcasting professionals.

Thus, our goals are twofold: (1) to preserve news music for the appreciation and research of its stakeholders (focus on the past and present) and (2) to create a simple and effective connection between music publishers and their clients (focus on the present and future).

Frequently Asked Questions

The majority of our site's material is user-sourced, contributed by professionals in the broadcast industry.

The remaining amount was contributed by the writers/publishers themselves.
We are user-sourced and we rely on the contribution of news music material (music and cue sheets) from our visitors.

If you have material you would like to contribute, please click the appropriate "Contribute Your Collection" link in the top-right.

For specific questions about whether we can use your contribution, please send us an email through the Contact page.
News Music Now is an independent, not-for-profit resource that is not affiliated with any one publisher. All music in our archive is posted with the acknowledgment and, in most cases, the permission of the writers/publishers (some are deceased or no longer in business).

News Music Now provides all sample material under the Fair Use doctrine (U.S. Code: Title 17, Section 107) for the purposes of comment, criticism, research, teaching, and scholarship.

We have taken steps to prevent copyrighted news music from being used for purposes other than those mentioned above. This includes watermarking full-length cuts with a "chirp", uploading samples at a 128 Kbps maximum, and displaying copyright information throughout the site.
News Music Now takes both the interests of news music fans and those of publishers very seriously. The chirp watermark exists to allow us to add news music cuts to the library in their entirety. The rights of the publishers must also be protected - the chirp ensures that cuts can be easily identified if they are used publicly without a license.
If your station is considering new news music, we are happy to help in the decision making process. We have extensive knowledge of all news music packages on the market. Please check out the resyncs on our YouTube page for examples of some of the work we have done. We provide the following services to commercial broadcast stations at no cost:
  • A list of syndicated packages that fit your station's needs and market position
  • Cut selection for your new or existing news package -- including custom edits of cuts -- we'll create a playlist that is ready for air
  • Synchronization of news music to your graphics (including sample voiceover and sound effects)
Best of all, we offer these services at no cost!
News music packages are typically licensed to users, rather than sold. This ensures that the writers and publishers are fairly compensated for royalties as their music is used. Some production music is royalty-free (user pays once for usage rights with no ongoing fees) but this is generally not the case with news music. Please reach out to the publisher if you wish to license news music.
Unfortunately, most news music is only made available within the broadcast industry. Relatively few broadcasters, such as NBC News and BBC News have made their music available for sale to the public.
When music is used publicly, a user must secure performance rights. Performing rights can cover music that is played in a public location, broadcast on TV/radio, used in a movie, or streamed over a digital service. News music publishers and writers often have agreements with a performance rights organization (PRO) such as ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. The PRO handles music licensing, copyright enforcement, and collects royalties on their behalf. News music performing rights are generally granted through a "blanket license", which gives broadcasters the most flexibility in using a news package. Because a given package can contain numerous themes and mix-outs which are often used on different programs throughout the day, it would be impractical to track licensing on a per-track/per-use basis.
News Music Now does not own copyrights for music and thus, we cannot speak on each publisher's licensing process. Secure a blanket license for a news music package will vary depending on the audience size, delivery method (broadcast, webcast, presentation, etc.), and duration of the contract. If there is a news music package you wish to license, please reach out to that publisher's sales representative for more information. Navigate to a demo sampler on the News Music page to find out who to contact.
Sorry, but News Music Now is not the copyright owner and we cannot distribute any news music.
Sorry, but News Music Now is not the copyright owner and thus, we cannot grant permission to use news music. News music requires a license for use. Please contact the publisher's sales representative for help in licensing a news music package.

Copyright Information

We believe all copyrighted material on News Music Now to be covered under Fair Use (U.S. Code: Title 17, Section 107).

Materials belonging to our partnering companies are posted with permission and in many cases, the works are provided to us by the owners. We stake no claim to ownership or original composition of any of the works used, whether specifically identified or not.

(1) News Music Now provides reference material on syndicated, custom, and legacy news packages for TV stations to listen to, providing both educational and historical value;

(2) News Music Now has various measures in place to prevent redistribution or misuse of copyrighted material: all recordings [with the exception of montages] are posted at 64 Kbps (well below CD-quality) to ensure that the recordings are unsuitable for any purpose other than as a reference tool;

(3) News Music Now only features a small amount of each copyrighted work, just enough to provide ample references for each package;

(4) News Music Now does its best to maintain amicable relations with all of our copyright holders. This is not always possible, however, in cases where the companies are defunct or contact information is not made available. All sales we may initiate are passed directly to the copyright owners;

The materials found on News Music Now are not to be used in any form other than their intended use – as reference material. Redistribution, re-engineering, or broadcasting material posted on this site, without express permission of the copyright owners, is strictly prohibited.

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